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Savannah Meets Her Nephew Percie

It was a Tuesday, and what appeared to be a regular sort of day for Savannah. Tracy had to head off to work, and it was a hot day, so Savannah and Nanny Kylie had to stay home in the cool space of the house. But as she was leaving, Tracy turned to Savannah and said "Tonight you're going to meet your nephew Percie for playtime."

Savannah could always tell when Tracy had a surprise for her because she always would give her an excited, happy look. This seemed to happen several times a week. Savannah waited with anticipation...finally Tracy returned from something called "work." She took them for an abbreviated potty walk and then, because it was hot out, let them ride in the front of the truck. Savannah especially liked this because she could put her head in Tracy's lap.

After a 50 minute ride, they arrived at a home in a place Savannah had never seen. At the door were two dogs and a very kind lady named Lilith. Tracy put Nanny Kylie in the back of the truck and then picked up Savannah and carried her into the house.

Savannah immediately fell in love with the furry big grey wolf-like puppy. He was so handsome and ready to do some serious playing. There was also a grown-up dog, Uncle Harry.

Savannah, Percie and Harry

In no time, the two puppies were intertwined in the most violent play they could muster.

Savannah & Percie
Savannah & Percie

Savannah soon had to learn to keep her tail tucked because one Percie Dumbledore kept biting it!

Savannah & Percie

They took turns being the winner...

Savannah & Percie
Savannah & Percie
Savannah & Percie
Savannah & Percie

And seeing who was fastest and most cunning, cutting each other off "at the pass..."

Savannah & Percie

At one point, Savannah sneaked away a chewy bone and displayed it proudly with a firm air of ownership...

Savannah & Percie
Savannah & Percie

But finally Uncle Harry returned the world to it's proper order...

Savannah & Percie

Finally after more than 2 hours of play, the younger Percie grew tired. Savannah was tired too, but didn't show it until the ride home.

She went to sleep knowing she had met a lifelong friend.

©2007 Tracy Wessel

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 24, 2007 5:55 PM.

The previous post in this blog was The adventures of Padma, (? trying that name) 4th of July.

The next post in this blog is 2 Coyotes, 1 Wolf, and 3 Ladies.

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